Holocaust survivor

Dorothy Bagon: A gritty tale of survival & passion

Holocaust survivor

Dorothy Bagon: A gritty tale of survival & passion

By Published On: July 13, 2024

An eight-year-old girl, a Jew, flees the onslaught of Nazis, during World War II, from her hometown Antwerp in Belgium, with her mother and younger sister, crosses the border to France, tucked in the drawer of a table spends the night in a poor but kind French family, then gets into Spain, who are averse to the influx of refugees.

As the Nazis start bombing the cities and heading south, the same path the young girl and the family take under the guidance of her beloved uncle Max, their saviour, and reach Portugal…all the while escaping death in close quarters and witnessing the criminality and unspeakable atrocities inflicted upon Jews and the irreversible damage wrecked upon by war, the human cost….

And on a ship to the Bay of Gibraltar where she sees women wearing pants for the first time!

And hitting the shores of Rio de Janeiro during harsh summer.

And after nearly two years on the go, escaping the clutches of death, the Nazis, the young girl who is all of ten years now reaches America…it’s Christmas! And tastes Marshmallows for the first time, a taste forever etched in her memory, the taste of freedom, life and liberty.

…and her journey to India and now living in GoodEarth Orchard, Bengaluru, Dorothy Bagon opens up her home, nestled in a community where nature sets the tone of her days, of peace, love and harmony, and takes us on her life journey, a tour de force!