Lost in nature
3 min. read
The team, comprising Stanley George, Jeeth and Natasha Iype and Parthasarathy has been experimenting with alternatives in architecture, exploring concepts of holistic development, through ventures in housing, organic farming, tourism, for the past 18 years.“When you say eco-friendly, it doesn’t just include the materials that go into making a building. The ecology around you is also important,” says Stanley. “In the city, the flora and fauna that existed on the land is replaced by high-rise buildings and lawns that people hardly walk on. Our effort is to build homes that go hand in- hand with nature, without disrupting natural beauty,” he adds.I walk around the trees and smell the air. The smell of ripe sapotas give me a sweet high. And as I step into the car and bid adieu to the little haven off Kengeri, I know that my encounters at the orchard have made me closer to nature.
By Ponnu Elizabeth Mathew