The lap of nature is where we are truly nurtured

Humans are (social) animals, and our natural habitat is that of the great outdoors. It’s no wonder our brains crave time spent in nature. Studies have shown that exposure to natural environments boosts our ability to concentrate, improves our mood, and reduces stress.

Athreya’s Musings

It was on 10th May 2019, that it has been almost 3 years since we moved to GoodEarth.

We are happy to be away from the bustling traffic and noise. It is really refreshing to wake up to the chirping of birds and views of surrounding greenery. I thank my stars and my parents for deciding to move away from the maddening city to this beautiful serene place.


“Biophilia” is defined as “the innate human instinct to connect with nature and other living beings”. The term has been derived from the Greek words for “life” and “love or affection;” making its literal translation “love of life.”

Mysore Road – in the fast lane

Mysore Road today is becoming one of the most sought after locations. It offers the discerning home-seeker the best of both worlds with a salubrious location on one side and all the trappings needed for a serene and comfortable lifestyle on the other. In this blog we capture some of the salient features of this once quiet location, but today a vibrant, thriving and much sought-after region

The Malhar Library @ Koota

The Malhar Library @ Koota is a volunteer-led effort. A community space that goes beyond books and information, it encourages creation of multi-sensory and multi-disciplinary experiences that inspire learning.

Facilities around Malhar

While Malhar offers many a life of serenity and grace – one where you are away from shrill horns and the daily bustle, it does not achieve this by heading for the hills. Surprisingly, it is located just a kilometre or two from the main road, and features a host of facilities that ensure that residents have everything they need on hand.

Discover how young Adhwaya Padaki got passionate about Bird watching

I have always had interest in birds. Big or small, they always tend to amaze me. I used to attend quite a few of the bird walks here previously. However, I never had the intention to learn about birds. One summer morning, I went to my neighbour Anupama Aunty’s house to have breakfast.

Terrace Gardening

A garden is a garden. They can be small or big, filled to the brim or just with a flower or two. But whatever their size and stature, there is no doubt that they usher in a sense of calm and wellbeing to those who nurture and grow them. The main issue with gardens is that they can stretch to the breath of your imagination or stay just as small as the reality of our home-spaces allow.

Kids at Malhar

At GoodEarth we incorporate planning for spaces that welcome children right at the design stage. We try to understand how these spaces will engage with them. It is not just about providing a child with a play area, it’s about understanding how the spaces will get the kids to appreciate and interact with nature and the environment. It’s sometimes the small things that make a difference.

Mysore Road

At GoodEarth we choose our community locations with care and deliberation. We seek out locations that offer one a harmony with nature while at the same time being in proximity to all the important locations that one would need for lifestyle, work and recreation. In Bangalore we are located in South Bangalore on Mysore Road, which has an interesting history and is today one of the most sought after locations.